Custom tailored solutions

Custom tailored solutions

For Virtual and Augmented Reality

Aeroflexible Aerodynamics

Aeroflexible Aerodynamics

A New Award Winning Technology

Showreel 2014

Showreel 2014

Recent Computeranimation Works

Bionic Design

Bionic Design

Applying nature's secrets into technology


For us technology and design play two symbiotic roles which will only be successful together

Our philosophy is to use intuition and rational thinking both as equivalent tools for our production.


Bringing life into virtual pictures isn't always easy to please an ambitious eye. Good observation skills play a key role in our profession acieving high class quality.

Sometimes it's hard to see how rich in complexity our world really is. Our work will give you a new introduction to this variety of detail.


Intelligent handling and effective Algorithms is a challenge. Software design is serious artwork with their own rules.

For us a software is more than the sum of it parts. It's an interface for the human brain. We first try to understand the human brain before we design the software for it.

 We are brave enough to think out of the box of current mindsets



We provide award winning solutions. Though one of our youngest services, our design work has yet convinced a lot of multi disciplined Juries they have not just eyes for a good design but also a highly technical attitude. Amazed about our Ideas they honored us with various prizes or nominations. There can be the most beautiful Design made virtually. But it will be worthless for real life if it fails on the physical conditions. We not only have the ambition but also come with a solid background in engineering to create design they not just look nice but work efficiently.

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Good observation skills and high artistic attitude are the key for our work philosophy to bring dead images to life, which is pleasing audiences with high visual attitudes. Experienced in 3D programs such as Autodesk® Maya™ and Other 3D graphic tools since 2001, we turn the best out of what is possible with state of the art hardware and software. Our work has been contributed to a various award winning projects in the film industry. The Academy Award (Oscar) is one of them. Have a look at our References and Showreel

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Smart Software

Smart Software

20 years of solid programming experience in multiple languages such as, Java, Python, C#, C++ and various other Script and Database Query languages like Neo4j Cypher and more.

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This is a selection of our recent works done. To view the full list follow the link below.

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ENO Energy Fair Movie

ENO Energy Fair Movie

A fair movie presenting the new innovative features of the E114 wind turbines. Key innvoation is the reduced trailig flow.



Award winning Project about a complete new concept looking at aerodynamics. The key innovation is about self adapting surfaces they help to improve perfomance.



Oscar® nominated in 2014, Room on the Broom is the third Adaptation of Axel Schefflers Children's Book Stories after the success of "The Gruffalo"


(view all)
Posted on Sep 02nd, 2016
Wie currently are working on some promising Computer vision Algorithms in the field of SLAM, Deep Sparse Odometry, Deep Parralel Tracking and Mapping (DTAM) and Eulerian Video Magnification...
Posted on Mar 17th, 2015
We had the honor being invited at the 8th Rheiner Windenergie Forum  and to be featured as the introducing speaker opening the congress. it was so far a very refreshing conference with a lot of good response to ou ..



  • We are a Design and Engineering Company developing innovative solutions to make the world a smarter place.
  • Key to our work is a good combination of creativity and technical knowledge. Because we believe that the most sophisticated result can only be reached when these two attitudes go hand in hand.
  • Thinking out of the box is not just a slogan it's our philosophy. This attitude is the key in our daily work resulting in award winning Innovations which speaks for themselves.


Music courtesy by: Plait - Itzsu


Angaben gem. § 5 TMG Betreiber und Kontakt:
Felix Schaller Bergstr 8
85567 Grafing Telefonnummer: 08092-2302-856
Fax: 08092-2302-855
E-Mail-Adresse: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

DE246335708 Verantwortlicher für journalistisch-redaktionelle Inhalte gem. § 55 II RstV:
Felix Schaller Bilder und Grafiken:
Angaben der Quelle für verwendetes Bilder- und Grafikmaterial:
Stefan Fluck:
velvet Mediendesign:
Studio Soi:


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